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Christian Dynamics Course 1: Salvation, Deliverance and Healing - John S. Torell
Christian Dynamics
Course 1

Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on CHAOS ENGINEERING - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE SHAKING HAS BEGUN - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on RESTORING THE EARTH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE GREAT SPACE WAR - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE REALITY OF THE SPIRIT WORLD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on JUDGMENT FROM GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Part 6: Lying to the Holy Spirit

The story of Ananias and Sapphira, an infamous couple in the New Testament, actually provides insight into the workings of the early church. Communal living has been tried at various points in Jewish history, most notably with the reclusive Essenes. In case you did not know it, they were the ones responsible for the Dead Sea scrolls found in the caves of Qumran.

Communal living came into existence with the early church just a few weeks after the Day of Pentecost. The apostles had not anticipated that the preaching of Peter in two separate instances would yield 8,000 men responding to conviction of the Holy Spirit.

There was no church building for the growing congregation. They were spread out in-home groups, with the apostles and the 70 others pastoring the people. Commune living developed as people sold their possessions to support the many Jews that had come from other nations.

Ananias and Sapphira were a local couple who sold a possession with the intent to give the proceeds to the church. They wanted the recognition for such a noble act. There was just one problem. They felt the money gained from the sale was too great to give away and they hatched a plan to hold back a portion.

When Ananias came to Peter, the apostle confronted him and asked why he was lying to the Holy Spirit. Then Ananias fell down dead – killed by the third person of the Godhead! Some three hours later Sapphira comes to Peter, he questions her about the sale price, she lies and is also killed by the Holy Spirit.

Where did this couple go after they died? Heaven or hell? Most sermons focus solely on the lie told by Ananias and Sapphira. But what was the eternal fate of this infamous couple? Join me as we examine the scriptures to answer that question.

Print out the sermon outline and let's examine the Scriptures together Sunday morning at 9:00 AM PST.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor John S. Torell


The Kaballah Series: Exposing the Hidden Secrets of the future World Government - John S. Torell


Weekly Webcast - European American Evangelistic Crusades







Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on FEAR, JUDGMENT & REPENTANCE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on LIVING IN THE SUPERNATURAL - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on SURVIVING THE ANTICHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on THE CORONA VIRUS | COVID-19 - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

 Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on FAITH INSPIRES ACTION - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on PREPARING FOR THE ANTICHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on BEAST CONTROL SYSTEM - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on TELEVISION & TWO PROPHETS - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on THE BEAST & THE KABBALAH - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor John S. Torell - sermon on IDENTIFYING THE ANTICHRIST - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor Charles M. Thorell - sermon on MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church

Pastor Charles M. Thorelll - sermon on THE HEART OF GOD - Resurrection Life of Jesus Church




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