-- DECEMBER 1, 2024
Part 88: Jesus is Alive |
The apostles were shocked when Jesus informed them
that He would be betrayed to the chief priests and killed by the
Romans. None of the men were curious to visit the tomb on the third
day and it was the women who discovered holy angels in glowing white
clothes and an empty grave. The angels questioned why they sought
the living among the dead? Jesus had risen just as He predicted and
would meet the apostles in Galilee where it all began some three
years earlier. It was bittersweet leaving the tomb with the
Messiah’s apparent resurrection, but at the same time, the women
were filled with apprehension that it might be hoax. Nevertheless,
the angelic testimony compelled them to tell the apostles. Only
Peter and John were curious enough to see for themselves, trying to
reconcile their Kabbalistic worldview even though Jesus made it
clear on multiple occasions that He would rise from the dead. |

All Scripture references are taken
from the King James Bible.
Copyright © 2023 – European American Evangelistic Crusades (EAEC)
P.O. Box 166, Sheridan, California 95681 USA
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