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John S. Torell

January 11, 2004

The New Testament is teaching that the relationship between Christ and his disciples is like a marriage. Jesus Christ is the Groom and the saved people are called the Bride of Christ. Revelation 19:1-9

Beginning with the early church as Jesus set it up, marriage was to be a sacred union between one man and one woman, and both of them were to be faithful to each other and not commit adultery. Matthew 5:27-32; 19:3-12


When God created Lucifer, he was created as one of the most beautiful, talented, powerful, intelligent and wise angels. Ezekiel 28:11-15
No one enticed Lucifer to rebel against God, this was a thought process which was born in himself, after he became discontent with his position in life. Isaiah 14:12-14
Jesus states that Lucifer did not stay in the truth, but became the father of all lies. John 8:44


The Devil does not mind that a Christian reads his Bible, says his prayers and even worships the Lord God, The Christian can even state, "that he loves God with all his heart." All the Devil wants is a foothold, to pollute the purity of the Christian. The name of the game for the Devil is to snare the Christian, to make the Christian to become "SPIRITUALLY SLOPPY." I Timothy 4:1-2; II Peter 2:1-3

It was God who gave the land of Canaan to the children of Israel, but the question was, WERE THEY GOING TO BE ABLE TO KEEP IT?



When a person seeks relief from demonic oppression, regardless what form this oppression might have, the root cause for the demon infestation is sin in the life of the person. Sin is rebellion against God’s Word. Deuteronomy 31:24-30; I Samuel 15:23

Jesus came to destroy the power of sin and to set men free from it. Luke 4:14-21

Without preaching Christ and salvation, there is no deliverance from demons. Acts 8:5-8

Deliverance is not just getting rid of demons, it is a lifestyle change! This does not sit well with most people, they want to live their own lives and at the same time they do not want to give up the world and all its sinful pleasures. The Bible states that this is not possible. James 4:4; I John 2:12-17

A large number of people seeking help from demonic oppression with sickness, will back off and live with their pain when they learn that they have to change their lifestyle. They would rather seek out some kind of "faith healer," who will not put any requirements on them, except to hand over some money, who will then pray for the afflicted person. Very few people are healed, but that does not deter the seeker to continue to seek new faith healers, hoping that at some time "luck will strike him." This is the same attitude of people that gamble, they know very well that most people lose money at the casinos or gambling places, but they keep coming back anyway. The Bible calls them FOOLS! Romans 1:18-24

Then there are some people who press in and embrace God and his Word and they are set free from their sins and demons. A new battle now begins to maintain this new freedom. I Peter 5:8-11

Here are some of the most common styles of attack by the Devil and his demons:

  1. The people who cast out the demons from you are too strict, God wants you to have a good time and enjoy life, you don't to watch everything you are doing.
  2. The Old Testament is not applicable to us today, we are living under grace. Stop being legalistic. When Christ died on the cross, he made all scavengers clean, including the swine. Eat, live and enjoy it all, as long as you first ask God to bless it!
  3. You have become part of a cult, get out while you can.
  4. Look at all evangelists, pastors and people around you. The majority of them do Christmas, Halloween, and celebrate all other pagan customs and God is blessing them. They cannot all be wrong! Enjoy life and be just like them.
  5. Are you telling me that you are not to watch movies and television anymore? That's outrageous, you are living in America and this is part of the American way of life.
  6. What’s wrong with having a beer or glass of wine every now and then? Most Christians are sipping saints, be normal have fun and be like the rest of them.
  7. The Bible states that God made all things, including marijuana, caffeine, nicotine etc. Don’t be fooled by a preacher, have a good life and enjoy what God has given you.
  8. You are lonely and need someone to love. God stated that it is not good for a man to be alone, find yourself a mate before it is too late, and enjoy yourself. Sex is not bad and it should not be confined to marriage only, after all, if you do not try out a partner, how can you know what you will have if you marry him/her.
  9. You stopped listening to worldly music, that is insanity! What’s wrong with some Rock-n-Roll, honky tonk, pop music etc. It’s all art, give me a break, what kind of "holy roller" have you become? Like Michael Jackson stated, "what’s wrong for a man to sleep with some boys in his bed? Does that make me a pedophile?"
  10. God made women to look beautiful, that’s why I like to look at pornography. It’s all about art and beauty. It is the preacher that makes it dirty and a sin! Don’t listen to him.

In time, the joyful Christian has compromised his life, lost his freedom and is brought back under slavery of evil spirits, and the last state is worse than the first! Matt.12:43-45; Romans 6:12-18


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The End

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