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John S. Torell

December 21, 2003

The New Testament is teaching that the relationship between Christ and his disciples is like a marriage. Jesus Christ is the Groom and the saved people are called the Bride of Christ. Revelation 19:1-9

Beginning with the early church as Jesus set it up, marriage was to be a sacred union between one man and one woman, and both of them were to be faithful to each other and not commit adultery. Matthew 5:27-32; 19:3-12


When God created Lucifer, he was created as one of the most beautiful, talented, powerful, intelligent and wise angels. Ezekiel 28:11-15

No one enticed Lucifer to rebel against God, this was a thought process which was born in himself, after he became discontent with his position in life. Isaiah 14:12-14

Jesus states that Lucifer did not stay in the truth, but became the father of all lies. John 8:44

The Garden of Eden was created to be a testing ground for Adam and his wife Eve. They had been commissioned RULERS OF THE WORLD (king and queen) by God himself - Genesis 1:26-31

The testing for Adam and Eve came in form of food! Genesis 2:16-17

When Lucifer came to perform his seduction, he used the same lines on Eve as he had done on himself:

  1. Has God really spoken?
  2. God’s words are not really true!
  3. You shall rise to a higher position than what you have! Genesis 3:1-6

4,100 years later Lucifer came and tried to seduce the Son of God. Again food is the first item Jesus was tempted with, then with power, then with the possibility to become king of the earth, by worshipping Lucifer, just once! Matthew 4:1-11

Adam’s disobedience brought all men under the curse of sin, the obedience of Jesus brought salvation for all men receiving it! Romans 5:14-21

Jesus has identified Lucifer as a THIEF! John 10:10

Once a person is saved, Lucifer cannot steal the salvation from a person - John 10:27-30

But he can steal your integrity, your joy, your power, your health, your marriage, your friendship with others, but what he wants to steal most of all is your position in the Kingdom of God!  I Peter 5:8

Let us look at what people consider one of the least important commandments given by God, FOOD LAWS! Leviticus 11:1-47 This issue of food took down Adam and Eve, Jesus refused to budge and stood.

The greatest cause of sickness in the world today is the food that is presented to the masses of people. Most of the "modern" diseases are caused by eating the wrong kind of food, and yet the majority of the Church of Jesus Christ is the worst offender in this area, rejecting the teachings of God, stating that since we are living under grace, it does not matter what we eat, as long as we bless it in the name of Jesus. What Jesus spoke in Matthew 5:17-19 is totally ignored.

The result is that the Christian becomes cursed and an open target for demons. Rejection of God’s food laws is "a low level sin" which is tolerated in the Church of Jesus Christ and even encouraged by the pastors and evangelists, who themselves are often overweight and stricken with diseases. Let us close this segment by looking at Deuteronomy 28:1-15

Do you have an ear to hear with?

To be continued...

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