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December 19,1999
We are now going to study the different classes which are taught in this school.
Understand this, students cannot choose to elect certain subjects and drop others.
The curriculum is mandated by God, and must be taken.  Romans 9:9-24

Let us again refresh the teaching concerning time. The Bible tells us that a thousand earth years is like one day for God. 2 Peter 3:8.  Using this information, we can know the following: One hour in heaven is 41.67 years on earth. One minute in heaven is 8 months and 8 days on earth. One second in heaven is 3 days and 22 hours on earth.

Maximum time allotted to a person on this campus is 2 hours, 52 minutes, and 48 seconds (heaven time).  Earth time is 120 years.  Genesis 6:3

In our earthly schools the main subjects usually are 1) The native language of the nation a person is born in; 2) Reading and Writing; 3) Mathematics

Morality is not taught in our public schools, which explains why we have wars, murder and crime in general.  In God’s University, "Morality" is a key subject which God demands that each student master in order to graduate with honor.  Matthew 22:34-40

Remember this, being a moral person does not save anyone, but we are working on being moral because we are saved.  Ephesians 2:8-10

It is also known as the Ten Commandments. The first three commandments instruct us as to how our relationship to God shall be and what he expects from us. The fourth commandment is how God wants us to work and rest. The remaining six commandments instruct us as to the proper relationship with people on the earth.

You shall not covet your neighbour’s house, you shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is your neighbour’s. Exodus 20:17

Webster’s Definition of "covet": Desire ardently (especially something that another person has); crave, long for; synonym is envy; a feeling of discontent and ill will because of another’s advantages, possessions, etc., resentful dislike of another who has something desirable.

1. Coveting leads to murder and wars

        A) The murder of Abel - Genesis 4:1-8

        B) Adultery, dishonesty, murder - 2 Samuel 11:1-27; 12:1-15

        C) The murder of Naboth - 1 Kings 21:1-29

2. The crucifixion of Jesus was a result of the sin of coveting - Matthew 26:1-5; 14-17;47-75; 27:1-26

3. Lucifer coveted against God himself - Isaiah 14:12-15

4. Lucifer became the father of all lies - John 8:42-45

5. Coveting is a breeding ground for greed - Proverbs 1:8-19

The sin of coveting is the seed that will corrupt a man to become a thief, for a woman or a man to steal somebody else’s spouse, for political leaders to go to war to gain more land and riches, for the rich man trying to get richer through deception and fraud.

Every war, big or small on this earth was started by the sin of coveting.  James 4:1-4

        Do you need to repent?

    Do you have an ear with which to hear?




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